Team Management
Our teams coudn’t play without the assistance of coaches, team managers and umpires. Thank you for your time and contribution to the club.
Quick Links
Ashburton Netball Club relies on volunteers (often parent, older players/siblings) to support our teams. Every team is required to have at least 1 Coach and 1 Team Manager. The Team Manager is usually a parent of a player in the team and a Coach either a parent or someone connected to the club (eg a past or current player from another team).
Quick Links
Team Managers
We ask each team to nominate a Team Manager, usually someone connected to the team (i.e. parent/guardian/grandparent). A Team Manager role is largely administrative and helps coordinate the team.
A Team Managers duties include:
- Are the main point of contact between the Club and the Ashy Team
- Establish a group to communicate messages about your team (i.e WhatsApp Groups)
- Support the coach by establishing a supervision roster for trainings (U9-Junior Teams)
- Will be assigned the Team Manager role in Netball Connect once Ashy Teams have been officially registered with WDNA.
- Assign parents to scoring duties on Netball Connect and make sure that players in attendance have been marked off.
- Work with the coach/other parents to find a fill-in if required and if unable to field a team, complete the WDNA walkover form as soon as possible.
A Team Managers must
- Have a valid Victorian Working With Children Check. You can apply online here.
- Sign the ANC Child Safety Declaration annually
Further information and detail about the Ashy Netball Team Manager role and responsibilities can be found here.
Team Managers can direct questions to

Our coaches are valued members of our club, which our teams cannot be registered without!
Ashburton Netball Club is keen to support the development of junior coaches and are grateful for our experienced coaches.
- Every Ashy Netball Coach is encouraged and funded by ANC to complete the Netball Victoria Foundation Coaching course to support the development of their foundation coaching skills. Click here for further information.
- An ‘Ashy Coaching Team’ WhatsApp group has been developed, which our coaches can opt-in to support each other and help build a positive camaraderie amongst our coaches.
- The ANC Committee is establishing a ‘Coach Incentive’ program to recognise and reward the efforts of all our coaches.
Netball Victoria Foundation Coaching
New to coaching or skills a bit rusty you can complete the Netball Victorian Foundation Online Coaching course.
ANC will reimburse you the cost.
A Coach must
- Have a valid Victorian Working With Children Check if over 18. You can apply online here.
- Sign the ANC Child Safety Declaration annually if over 18
- Be registered with Netball Victoria. If the Coach is a current player they do not need to re-register. If not a link will be sent via email when registrations are open for the forthcoming season in Netball Connect. Ashburton Netball Club reimburses the registration fee for all coaches.
For coaches aged 15-17 the Team Manager is the main point of contact and supports the coach, which the ANC Committee will do also.
Coaches are encouraged to:
- Hold and plan 1x training session per week (at a time convenient to the coach and players families).
- Plan trainings so that they are structured with a warm up, ball-handling/footwork drills, a drill to focus on a certain skill (i.e. defence, ball movement) and a fun activity to end. Training should be fun but also be useful for players and the team.
- A range of coaching resources to support the coaching experience has been compiled and can be found under Coaching Resourceshere.
Coaches/Team Bag and Equipment
All teams are provided with a Coaches Bag and Kit. This includes:
- 1 x Netball (a new one is provided each year)
- Set of training cones and training bibs
- Whistle and Rule Book
- First Aid Box (includes Nail Clippers and Sunscreen)
- Clip Board
- 1 set of Game Bibs
Any enquiries or Team bag top up requests should be directed to the Ashburton Netball Club Equipment Coordinator via the Contact Us form at the bottom of the page.
Game Day
Teams are encouraged to find their own ‘fill-in’. This is the responsibility of the Team Manager and/or coach to co-ordinate.
Some important considerations:
- Use the Ashburton Netball Club team contact list to contact the TM or Coach of a team in a lower section than your team to secure a fill-in.
- A player can only fill-in 3x (Autumn) and 4x (Spring) before that player becomes an official member of your team and cannot play in their team from the lower section.
- You cannot recruit a player from another club playing within the WDNA Saturday competition.
- You can recruit a suitably aged (and ability) player from another association (not WDNA) to fill in.
- Add the player to your team list using Netball Connect (search and add)
- If it is a one-off, there is no need to involve the club. If the player is keen to join your team permanently, please get in touch with the Club Registrar via the Contact Us form at the bottom of the page.
WDNA By-Laws can be found here that explain this further.
If you’re unable to field a team for your forthcoming Saturday game (or are aware of a future date your team can’t play), the Team Manager/Coach needs to submit the Walkover Notification to WDNA before 7.30pm THURSDAY.
If your opponent cannot field a team you will be notified via Netball Connect. Ideally this will notice will be received as early as possible but it may occur on game day. If possible, the club will communicate via SMS to your Team Manager as well.
Penalty information:
- Walkovers given after 7.30pm Thursday will incur a -2 point penalty.
- Walkovers given after 7.30pm Friday will incur a -4 point penalty.
- If both teams require a walkover, no penalty points will be deducted.
- Walkovers given after 7.30pm Thursday will also incur a $50 penalty. An invoice will be sent to the club and forwarded to the Team Manager. This fee is payable by the team (payment to be evenly split across all team members).
Walkover Notification
Ideally walkover notifications should be submitted by 7:30PM Thursday
Waverley District Netball Association (WDNA) have a fantastic netball umpiring program, which can commence from 14yo. For more information see here.
Ashburton Netball Club offers additional payments to any ANC player who also umpires. Umpiring is a fantastic way for young people to stay engaged in the sport and the game can’t be played without them! See here for the ANC Umpire Payment Policy.
Contact Us
Need more information on any of the above or to submit a request please complete this form: