The Ashy Shop

All Ashburton Netball Club players are required to wear the ANC Uniform on game days.  It is at the players discretion whether they wear the ANC dress or the ANC Shorts and Singlet Set.

All players are required to wear white socks and appropriate footwear and with the dress they should wear black or bottle green short bike pants available from shops like Kmart or Target.

We know some of our players and coaches love wearing the Ashy Club merch and we have other optional uniform items such as the Ashy Hoodies and Scarves.

Check out all the uniform details in our Ashy Shop, including sizing charts. And if you have any further questions about uniforms please contact

We have just launched the “Ashy CoOp”. This is a Facebook group for our members to sell or donate their second hand Ashy Netball uniform items to other club members. Families and members are to initiate and manage their own sales/donation and pick-up/collection of items.

We cannot control the availability of items in the CoOp but we hope to see it build as news about this initiative spreads!