Child Safety
Everyone plays a role in keeping children safe from harm.
If you are concerned about the immediate emotional or physical safety of a child, please call 000.
If you are concerned about the conduct of a member of Ashburton Netball Club, relating to a child’s safety (and wellbeing) please email the club’s Child Safety Champion who will manage all complaints seriously and sensitively, following the Netball Victoria guidelines for reporting.
Ashburton Netball Club encourages all members of our club to complete the free Sport Integrity Australia – Play By The Rules, Child Protection Safe-guarding Course to
ensure our community is aware how to keep children safe, when participating in sport.
Sport Integrity Australia
Play By The Rules, Child Protection Safe-guarding Course
Netball Victoria have a range of fact sheets, resources and helpful links to support all members of our netball community:
- Officials (Committee Members, Team Managers)
- Coaches and Umpires
- Netball Families and Care-givers
- Netball Players (13-18 years old)
- Netball Players (5-12 years old)
- Child Safety in Netball Resources
Below are organisations that offer mental health and wellbeing support to everyone in our community:
- KidsHelpline
- Lifeline
- Beyond Blue – Anxiety and Depression
- Butterfly Foundation – Body Image and Eating Disorders
- Minus18 and QLife – Support for LGBTQI+ young people
- eSafety – Online Safety