Player Development Policy
Reg. No: A0031842C
All policies developed by Ashburton Netball Club (ANC) Committee aim to ensure that every netballer’s experience at community netball level is a positive and enjoyable one, where each player has the opportunity to develop their skills while enjoying the sport of netball.
ANC has had a Player Grading Policy in place since 2013. This process has been successful in supporting players who move into the sub-junior competition (U13) to be placed in teams that suit their ability, while also supporting players to continue to develop their skills, be part of a team playing with friends and enjoying the game as a junior player.
Policy Scope:
This policy outlines the different stages of player development and the responsibility of the committee, coaches and Team Managers (TM).
Development comes from varied avenues both on and off the court and in structured and non-structured events. All coaches and TMs are encouraged to provide weekly training sessions during the playing season. The ANC Committee will also provide players with the opportunity to participate in a player clinic annually, as well as provide information about clinics, other programs and representative trials promoted and conducted by Waverley District Netball Association (WDNA), all which aim to offer ongoing opportunities for player development at the various ages and stages.
The ANC Committee strongly recommends that players remain in teams that reflect their school year and/or within their age group, especially in the more junior sections.
The WDNA, U9-U11 competition offers a modified program, where teams do not play for championship points (i.e. no finals). As per the ANC Rotation Policy it is expected that every player, in all teams will be rotated equally, so as to experience all positions as well as have equal time on and off the court.
- In U9 and U11 (Yr3-5) the aim is to have teams as evenly matched as possible.
- Where possible teams are encouraged to train together, if unable to do so weekly, it is encouraged a few times over the playing season to develop camaraderie amongst all players and help players (and coaches) from different schools (and teams) to get to know each other.
- Teams may need to change over the Autumn/Spring seasons so as to accommodate new players or to ensure that teams have the required number of players to register a team. In some instances teams may have players in multiple school year levels (i.e. U11 may have players in Yr4 and Yr5). However, changes will be minimal as there is benefit to players remaining in one team, with coaching consistency to build their skills, confidence and knowledge of the game in U9-11.
Junior (U13)
Naturally, how a player develops will vary and is dependent upon a number of factors; number of games/seasons played, physical development (i.e. timing of puberty), and also other opportunities that may present for a player, for example being involved in representative netball or other teams/sports, where additional training and competition is experienced.
When there are 2 or more teams with players moving into the sub-junior competition sub-junior/U13 category) all current players across the existing ANC teams, and any players who have expressed an interest in joining ANC, will be involved in Player Grading. The timing of Player Grading will be in consultation with the coaches and ANC Committee.
This may mean that Player Grading occurs over the final U11 season (Year 5), with newly formed teams entering the Autumn Sub-Junior competition or Player Grading occurs during the Autumn U13 sub-junior competition (Year 6) with newly formed teams entering the U13 Sub-junior (Year 6).
It is an expectation of this process that only multiple players would be moved and that players would remain playing with at least 1 person they know from their previous team. The ANC Committee does not endorse moving 1 player, unless this is a request of the player and their parents/guardians.
The procedure for Player Grading is as follows:
- (2) Selectors will be appointed by the ANC Committee, overseen by the Junior Development Coordinator. To ensure a fair and equitable process, the selectors will not be connected to the players, but may be involved with the club.
- Selectors will be required to have suitable experience with the sport of netball.
- Selectors will be paid by ANC Committee for their time.
- Coaches will be asked to provide information (template provided to coaches) at the beginning of the season when Player grading is to be conducted this is to share, non-biased information about the players in their team (including their age, number of games played, involvement in representative netball etc.).
- Selectors will be required to watch a minimum of (2) games for each team involved in the Grading Process, to commence from the mid-Autumn season.
- A Player Grading session will be held, prior to the Autumn home and away season finishing, organised by ANC Committee, involving the external selectors who have observed the players in competitive game situations.
- It is encouraged that teams involved in this process would train together 1-3 times over the season when Player Grading is being conducted, and ideally after the Player Grading Day has been held, to build camaraderie and support players as they move to their new teams.
- Teams will be finalised and communicated to all players, parents/guardians and coaches as soon as possible following this process.
- As teams are coached mostly by parents/guardians who have children in the teams, it is recognised that this process may affect the coaches in sub-junior (U13).
- The ANC Committee will work with the coaches involved to achieve a positive outcome.
Junior- Open
- Following the player grading process outlined above, there is typically minimal movement amongst teams unless players cease playing or wish to start. In these instances, the ANC Committee and coaches of the teams will be involved in re-working existing teams to accommodate these scenarios.
- In some instances as players develop over the seasons, an obvious disparity amongst players’ ability in a team may become apparent. This can be challenging for players and also the coach. In this instance, coaches are requested to put in writing their concerns and an additional Player Grading session may be required. The ANC Committee will work with the coaches involved and work to find a solution that is in the best interest of the players and coaches involved.
If the club has received a high number of new player expression of interest the ANC Committee will consider holding team trial days for players in older years. While this is not something the club currently has demand for currently, it will be considered should it be required to help young people be involved in club netball.
- If at the time of player grading, the external selectors who have observed the teams and players ascertains that teams are well balanced or that there is no obvious benefit, to the teams and/or players, the Player Grading session may not need to occur in that year, but may be required at a later time. The timing of this would be in consultation with the coaches of the teams involved.
- If the majority of coaches (or 50%) want Player Grading to occur, the Player Grading process will continue. This may result in no movement across teams, however the procedure will have been followed as per this policy and procedure document.
- Any request to differ from this policy must be put in writing to the ANC Committee for their consideration.
- Any complaints or comments about this Player Development Policy or the Player Grading Process are requested to be respectfully put in writing to the ANC President ( and ANC Player Development Co-ordinator (